Tea is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world after water.
Tea has magical powers. Tea consoles the lonely and unites the sociable. Tea stimulates in hot countries and heats the body where it is cold. Tea can alleviate or heal ailments of the body and the soul. Tea drinking is a many-faceted pleasure: it can cause us to dream, sharpen our minds, relax us, let us forget time and place, and heal our body, mind and soul.
Also tea has a lot of Health Benefits:
Fights Cancer:
According to a recent study recognized by the American Institute for Cancer Research, a substance in green tea has been found to halt a specific stage in the cancer process more effectively than current cancer drugs. In studies of liver, skin, and stomach cancer, green and black teas were shown to decrease the size of tumors and either slow or completely prevent breast, colon, and prostate cancers.
Preliminary results suggest that women who drink 3 or more cups of green tea daily have a lower recurrence rate of early (Stage I) breast cancer. Another study showed that women with ovarian cancer who drank at least 1 cup of green tea daily were more than twice as likely to survive as non-tea drinkers.
Other studies show similar protective effects of green tea in tissues of the lung, esophagus, and pancreas. Black, oolong, and green tea have all been associated with ovarian cancer prevention.
What does tea contain that is so powerful?
Catechins. These plant chemicals have potent antioxidant
activity to help reduce the risk of cancer by fixing cell damage. Among
other roles, catechins have been shown to inhibit growth of tumor cells
and keep them from spreading to other parts of the body. Tea is the
best source of catechins in the human diet. Possibly because it is less
processed, green tea contains 3 times the catechins than black tea, and
catechin levels in white tea are even higher. The antioxidants in tea kill cancer
without damaging the surrounding cells. The polyphenols found in all tea
varieties have some of the highest free radical scavenging ability,
(free radicals promote oxidation, which scientists now believe causes
cancer).Make Tea a Part of Your Diet!
Accelerates Weight Loss:Green and Oolong teas boost your metabolism and naturally increase your energy levels.
Green tea also raises the level of antioxidants. It's believed the antioxidant catechins in green tea boost metabolism and helps burn fat.
Research reveals that oolong may have a stronger effect than even green tea. It promotes fat burning, helps reduce cholesterol and the concentration of fat in the body. About two cups per day is recommended.
Boosts Immunity:
Tea is both antiviral and antibacterial due to compounds known as alkylamines. These antigens “prime” the immune system, which boosts the body’s immune response.
Prevents Heart Disease:
Tea reduces your risk of high blood pressure, prevents blood clots and keeps blood vessels relaxed. Tea reduces the progression of plaque in arteries, the combination of fat and cholesterol. Reviews of researchers at the University of Western Australia said that the benefits of tea largely caused by the levels of flavonoids, antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular disease. A cup of tea contains 150-200 mg of flavonoids.
People consuming at least one cup of tea a day reduced their risk of heart attack by almost 50%, a study found.
Strengthen Nervous System:
Tea polyphenols stimulate the nervous system and increase brain alertness. They also protect brain cells and slow deterioration caused by neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Unlike higher caffeine beverages, tea stimulates brain function without causing stress to the heart.
A Tea for Nervous System is indeed helpful as it contains an important amount of nutrients, enzymes, tannins, volatile oils and minerals (sodium, iron, magnesium and manganese).
Lowers Diabetes:
Research compiled by the Leibniz Center for Diabetes Research at Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany found that consuming four cups of tea (especially black) each day reduces your risk of developing type II diabetes by 20%. Tea also regulates glucose levels, allowing the body to absorb sugar more slowly.