Many sports drinks are made with liquid sugars (glucose and fructose), artificial coloring chemicals (like red #40), citric acid and emulsifiers such as brominated vegetable oil. Anyone who knows anything about nutrition quickly realizes these are not healthful, wholesome ingredients.
Rooibos, on the other hand, is made by Mother Nature. It's the powdered extract of the Aspalatus linearis plant which grows prolifically in South Africa. Remarkably, it's a completely caffeine-free plant that nevertheless tastes like an amazing tea beverage or even a sports drink, simply by adding it to water and mixing in your favorite sweetener such as stevia.
Loaded with health-supportive phytonutrient
In addition to the fact that Rooibos contains no caffeine, it's loaded with phytonutrients such as Aspalathin, Quercetin and Luteolin. It also contains Orientin, Isoorientin, Vitexin, Isovitexin, Chrysoeriol, Catechin, Isoqurecetin, Hyperoside and Rutin.
No doubt some combination of these plant-based nutrients (none of which are found in well-known, by the way) explains why Rooibos is such a powerful thirst quencher. I drank it almost every day throughout the Texas drought we've had over the past few months, and I discovered this drink keeps you hydrated in a way that plain water simply doesn't (*Mike Adams). No wonder so many professional football teams and sports enthusiasts are also discovering Rooibos to be a powerful, performance-enhancing sports drink.