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  • Friday, January 23, 2015
  • Unknown

  • Study finds white tea slows proliferation of colon cancer cells

  • Monday, January 19, 2015
  • Unknown
  • Scientists from Malaysia suggest that white tea demonstrates antioxidant, anticancer and DNA protective effects. A study originating from University of Malaya and published in Food Chemistry investigated the effects of white tea, specifically the premium Silver Needle variety, on the proliferation of colon cancer cell HT-29. In vitro testing found that high flavanoid and quercetin content displayed significant anti-proliferative properties against HT-29 cells, without being toxic to normal fibroblast cells. White tea extract was also found to protect the cell's DNA against oxidative H2O2 damage by up to 65%.

    Our selection of  finest White Teas is here:  http://www.kupatea.com/teastore/9-white-teawww.kupatea.com
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